PM Gaston Browne welcomes inquiry into mandatory vetting of Caribbean CIPS

Ranked first in the OECS (Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States) for citizenship programmes, the islands of Antigua and Barbuda have a lot to offer potential investors seeking a second citizenship. With a limited time offer of a $100,000 contribution up until 31st October 2018, the CIP of Antigua and Barbuda is becoming immensely popular.

As a result of its popularity, Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua-Barbuda has stated:

“… that every application for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment, under his administration has been subjected to the rigorous vetting process.”

Chief is it that all citizenship by investment programmes go through proper due diligence checks. This is and will continue to be an upmost priority as the question of proper due diligence has been a thorny issue, primarily for Caribbean CIPs. Bearing in mind that the due diligence worldwide will not uncover all negative information, efforts of the government are in action with high alerts on those who have committed acts against law via these thorough checks that are put in place.

PM Browne goes on to declare:

“In this regard, my government welcomes the initiative announced by Prime Minister Mitchell [of Grenada] as chairman of the Monetary Council. The position of Antigua and Barbuda has always been, and remains, that strict and intensive vetting is central to the credibility and integrity of the CIPs,”

The leader of the sovereign state of the Commonwealth, Antigua and Barbuda, continues:

“What occurs in one jurisdiction has an impact on all; it is, therefore, imperative that full vetting
of applicants, be carried out and that it be strong and intensive. In this regard, my government
and its authorities will cooperate fully with an inquiry into whether all countries are subjecting
to their applicants to vetting by the regional and international crime agencies, and the sooner
the inquiry starts the better.”

Not only is this a prime factor of safeguarding applicants and new citizens, it is essential that
consultancy agencies are in the scope of these meticulous vetting procedures. Coates Global
assures that all their authorised agents and qualified lawyers who assist with the programmes
have been certified by each country’s government, ensuring that they correlate to the citizenship
and visa legislations set in place, including vetting protocols.